Please find details of all our lucky lottery winners and the jackpots they received here…

The 24th draw took place at the Christmas Market in the Village Hall on Saturday, 23rd November 2024:
First prize: Brenda Pook, ticket number 94 – £179
Second prize: Peter Haining, ticket number 463 – £134.25
*Third prize: Gill Terry, ticket number 110 – £44.75
* our thanks to Gill Terry for kindly donating her prize to us.
The 23rd draw took place on Saturday 9th August 2024 at the Cricket Pavilion during the Playing Field Pop Up Supper Club
First prize: Tracey Boorman, ticket number 58 – £176
Second prize: Carol Goehler-Mehl, ticket number 77 – £132
Third prize: Janet Tourell, ticket number 18 – £44
The 22nd draw took place on Saturday 23rd March 2024, in the Village Hall during the Spring Market:
First prize: John Thompson, ticket number 184 – £200
Second prize: Andrew Fowler, ticket number 141 – £150
Third prize: Nigel Russell, ticket number 522 – £50
The 21st draw took place at the Christmas Market in the Village Hall on Saturday, 25th November 2023:
First Prize: Irene Carr, ticket number 28 – £179
Second Prize: Gill Terry, ticket number 144 – £134
Third Prize: Hadlow Down Village Fayre Committee, ticket number 281 – £44.75
The 20th draw took place at the Summer Pop-Up supper in the Playing Field Pavilion on Friday, 11th August 2023:
First Prize: Bob Spence, ticket number 469 – £164.00
Second Prize: Janet Tourell, ticket number 313 – £123.00
Third Prize: Bob Spencer, ticket number 97 – £41.00
The 19th Prize Draw took place at the Spring Market, held in the Village Hall on 25th March 2023
First Prize, Mark Cooper, ticket 771 – £189.00
Second Prize, Lindsey Waddington, ticket 224 – £141.75
Third Prize, Chris Colbran, ticket 146 – £47.25
The 18th Prize Draw took place at the Christmas Market, held in the Village Hall on November 19th 2022
First Prize, Chris and Doreen Shafer, ticket number 554 – £174
Second Prize, Sarah Allen, ticket number 62 – £130.50
Third Prize, Chris Colbran, ticket number 195 – £43.50
The 17th Prize Draw took place at the Pop up Supper, held at the Playing Field in the Pavilion.
1st prize Fiona Shafer – £201.00
2nd prize Gary Henderson – £150.75
3rd prize Paul Presler – £50.25
The 15th draw took place at the Christmas Market, held in the Village Hall in November 26th 2021
First Prize, £190 – John Bourne
Second Prize, £142.50 – J Turner
Third Prize, £47.50 – Jean Swallows
There were 190 numbers in the draw totalling £2,280.
The 4 monthly prize money being £760 and of course the HDCC keeps 50%, of this, so £380 to be divided between three prize winners
The 14th draw took place at the Village Societies AGM, held at the Village Hall on 23rd July 2021.* This was the first draw held in 2021
First Prize, ticket number 76 £146 – Joan Wiltshire
Second Prize, ticket number 224 £109.50 – Lindsey Waddington
Third Prize, ticket number 104 £36.50 – Bob Spencer
*There were no draws held in 2020 due to the pandemic
The 13th draw took place at the Christmas Market, held at the Village Hall on 23rd November 2019. The lucky winners were:
First prize, Paul Presler (prize £161)
Second prize, Bill Hunter (prize £121)
Third prize, Bob Spencer (prize £35)
The 12th draw took place at the Spring Market, held at the Village Hall on 19th March 2019. The lucky winners were:
First Prize £120 – Andrea Howarth
Second Prize £90 – Paul Presler
Third Prize £30 – Graham Terry
The 11th Draw took place at the 2018 Christmas Market, held at the Village Hall, November 2018
First Prize £121 – Barbara Ball
Second Prize £90 – Hadlow Down Village Fayre Committee
Third Prize £30 – Hadlow Down Variety Club
The 10th draw took place at the Hadlow Down Village Fayre on Saturday 17th July 2017. The lucky winners were:
- First prize, ticket number 714 £109.00 – Carol Goeller-Mehl
- Second prize, ticket number 313 £81.75 – Janet Tourell
- Third prize, ticket number 133 £27.25 – Chris Greenwood
The 9th draw took place at the Spring Market held at the Village Hall on Saturday 18th March 2017. The lucky winners were:
- First prize, ticket No.14 £114 – June Vatcher
- Second prize, ticket No.281 £85.50 – Hadlow Down Summer Fayre
- Third prize, ticket No.14 £28.50 – Lisa Seprini
The 8th draw took place at the Christmas Market at the Village hall on 19th December 2016. The lucky winners were:
- First prize, ticket No.61 £120.00 – Rachel Lewes
- Second prize, ticket No.82 £90.00 – Hadlow Down Variety Club
- Third prize, ticket No.54 £30.00 – Rachel Boswell
The 7th draw took place at Summer Fayre on the 25th June 2016. The lucky winners were:
- First prize, ticket No.207 £117.00 – Paul James
- Second prize, ticket No.100 £87.75 – Paul Presler
- Third prize, ticket No.4 £29.25 – Janet Tourell
The 6th draw took place at the Spring Market on the 19th March 2016. The lucky winners were:
- First prize, ticket No.27 £139.00 – Gordon Buckland
- Second prize, ticket No.50 £104.25 – Ned Neill
- Third prize, ticket No.900 £34.75 – Nigel Harrison
The fifth draw took place on Saturday 21st November 2015. The winning numbers were:
- First prize, ticket No.40 £135.00
- Second prize, ticket No.91 £101.25
- Third prize, ticket No.306 £33.75
The fourth draw took place on June 20th 2015. The winners were:-
- First prize, ticket No.1 £125.00 – Paul Presler
- Second prize, ticket No.85 £93.75 – Janet Tourell
- Third prize, ticket No.84 £31.25 – William Le May
The third draw took place on the 10th January 2015. The winners were:-
- First prize £115.00 – Rachel Boswell
- Second prize £86.26 – Gill Terry
- Third prize £28.75 – Jeanette Boswell
The second draw took place on 8th September 2014. The winning numbers were:-
- First prize £117.00 – No.62
- Second prize £87.87 – No.840
- Third prize £29.25 – No.57
The first draw took place in June 2014. The winning numbers were:-
- First prize £100.00 – No.59
- Second prize £75.00 – No.3
- Third prize £25.00 – No.131