Lottery Winners !

Congratulations to our latest lottery winners and thank you to all our members for your continued support.

If you would like to become one of our supporters please contact Janet Tourell at 

The 15th draw took place at the Christmas Market, held in the Village Hall in November 26th 2021

First Prize, ticket number 212, £190 – John Bourne
Second Prize, ticket number 80, £142.50 – J Turner
Third Prize, ticket number 341, £47.50 – Jean Sallows

There were 190 numbers in the draw totalling £2,280.

The 4 monthly prize money being £760 and of course the HDCC keeps 50%, of this, so £380 to be divided between three prize winners

New Date for Race Night

The New Village Hall Committee are delighted to announce that “Race Night” will be going ahead on Saturday April 2nd at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We do hope that you will join us for a really fun event, including a bar, curry and a chance to bet on the races. Tables will be made of eight at £15 per head. You can either buy a whole table or individual tickets. This event is being held to raise funds for our new Village Hall, there are lots of ways you can support us –

Sponsor a race for £50 and name the race!

Become a race horse owner, only £5 per horse. There will be prizes on the night for the winning owners.

Bets will cost £1 per horse, prize money will be shared equally between the winners and the HDCC

Tickets are £15 per head and include a meal of curry* and rice

There will be a licensed bar

For more details, to buy tickets and or to pledge your support please contact Bob on 830857

*vegetarian/vegan option available, please pre-order with your ticket

Race Night Postponed

We are disappointed to announce the cancellation of our Race Night scheduled for Saturday 23rd Oct at the Village Hall.  We were taken aback with the generous support of so many – all the races and horses were sold and Julian Michaelson-Yeates was busily preparing a delicious curry for an expected eighty people.  Unfortunately, the take-up of bookings did not match our optimism and with such a low number, we decided to cancel.  There may be several reasons to explain this but we suspect that continued anxiety about gathering in a confined indoor space with others was a real issue.

We have re-scheduled the Race Night for Saturday 26th March 2022.  Thanks for your continued support for our new hall and please continue to visit our website and Facebook pages to keep in touch with our progress.

Best wishes,


Join us for “Race Night”

The Committee are pleased to announce we will be holding a “Race Night”
on Saturday 23rd October in the Village Hall.
Do come along and enjoy a curry and a flutter on the horses.
This event will be to raise funds towards our New Village Hall.
There are lots of ways you can join in and support us.

Sponsor a race for £50 and name the race!
Become a race horse owner, only £5 per horse. There will be prizes on the night for the winning owners.
Bets will cost £1 per horse, prize money will be shared equally between winners and HDCC
Tables of eight will be available.
Tickets are £15 per head and include curry*, rice and a popadom!
There will be a licensed bar…


*Vegetarian curry available, please pre-order with your ticket

Latest Lottery Winners

The 14th draw of the HDCC Lottery Club took place last night at the Village Societies AGM held at the Village Hall. Our thanks to all those who have recently renewed their subscriptions. The lucky winners are :

First Prize, ticket number 76 £146 – Joan Wiltshire
Second Prize, ticket number 224 £109.50 – Lindsey Waddington
Third Prize, ticket number 104 £36.50 – Bob Spencer

There are plenty of numbers available if you would like to join the club, please contact Janet Tourell –

Newspaper launched at Village AGM

We have been working on a Newspaper to be delivered to every household in the Parish. At our meeting in June 2021 we agreed that we would produce a newspaper focusing on progress, volunteering and fundraising for the New Village Hall.

Be amongst the first to receive a copy at the Village Societies AGM

Don’t worry if you can’t make the meeting we will be delivering one direct to your door in the next week or so. Here is a sneak preview straight from Sarah’s desk.

We hope to ensure that everyone in the community has access to our plans and a means of following along with progress especially if they are not connected digitally.

The newspaper was generously sponsored by Hunter Finance and designed by Dave Ladkin at Meaninful Design

If you would like a digital copy please contact Sarah –

Just Giving is now LIVE

We wanted to let you know that one of the ways we are raising money to build our New Village Hall is online. We are delighted to announce that we have a JustGiving fundraising page that means you can quickly and securely donate money to us or you can create your own fundraising event and support us through sponsorship.

We know that many of you are keen to support our fundraising efforts and we are delighted that we can now get the ball rolling. We will of course keep you updated on how we progress both here on the website and on our Facebook page. We know that if you’re here reading this you really care about the Village, if you would like to support us either through volunteering, fundraising and or donating please do get in touch. With thanks from us all.